Source: Alan Bell, Asentiv Ireland
We had an awesome time at our latest Asentiv Ireland Amazing Business & Spectacular Life Community event.
There’s networking and then there’s really doing some great networking. Some of these entrepreneurs had never met before our day out in the Wicklow Mountains flying a Harris Hawk with expert Wayne, but what they do have in common is the desire to run a great business and have a great time building valuable new business relationships.
Among the many things we learned –
Harris Hawks are the only birds of prey that live in communities.
They will look after and feed injured birds within the group (sounds a bit like networking…)
The females are WAY bigger than the males.
Wallace and Vincent could be collaborating together in their businesses.
Alan and Kieran can have a few frames of snooker together at Kieran’s golf club.
Daphne has a great contact for our next event – Wine Tasting at the Yacht Club